Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

Lesson 4 Key Word Activity Master

Root Equations
Write the word from the box that matches the sum of the word parts.
entity mortify pedagogue
euthanasia nascent postmortem
moribund orthopedics renaissance

1. "well" + "death" = euthanasia
2. "born" + "being" = nascent
3. "death" + "to make" = mortify
4. "child" + "leader" = pedagogue
5. "after" + "death" = postmortem
6. "death" + "having the quality of" = moribund
7. "straight" + "child" + "knowledge of" = orthopedics
8. "again" + "born" + "state of" = renaissance
9. "to be" + "state of" = entity

Write the missing word parts in the equations.

2. "born" + "tending toward" = naive
2. "to be" + "state of" = essence
2. "a male child" + "relating to" = puerile
2. "in" + "born" = innate
2. "child" + "one who instructs" + "having the quality of" = pedantic
2. "not" + "to be" + "state of" = nonentity

Lesson 3 Key Word Activity Master

What Do You Call It?
Underline th answer to each question.
1. What do you call a forefather?
a patronymic a patriarch
2. What do you call a comradely connection?
a fraternal friendship a patronizing relationship
3. What do you call a family name passed down from father to son?
a patronymic a patrimony
4. What do you call a male teacher's encouraging remarks?
a patronizing style an avuncular manner
5. What do you call the a material used for building or growing something?
a matrix monogamy
6. What do you call a longstanding marriage?
a monogamous relationship a matriarchal relationship
7. What do you call financial support for a candidate?
political patronage patrimonial politics
8. What do you call a house passed down from generation to generation?
the familial patrimony a patronymic matrix
9. What do you call a great-grandmother enrolled in a course of study?
a monogamous matrix a matriculating matriarch
10. What do you call spending time shopping with your friends?
fraternizing while patronizing matriculating patronage
11. What do you call a man who is utterly devoted to his wives?
a patronymic monogamist an uxorious bigamist

Rabu, 16 Desember 2009

Lesson 2 Key Word Activity Master

Letter Clues
Choose the word from the box that fits with each clue. Write it letter by letter.
congenital genre homogeneous
engender genteel indigenous
genealogy gentile ingenious
genesis gentry progenitor
genocide progeny_____________
  1. all alike h o m o g e n e o u s
  2. to produce e n g e n d e r
  3. maker of progeny p r o g e n i t o r
  4. high society g e n t r y
  5. drama, for example g e n r e
  6. offspring p r o g e n y
  7. describes a newborn's condition c o n g e n i t a l
  8. ancestry trace g e n e a l o g y
  9. a non-Jew g e n t i l e
  10. describes the gentry's manner g e n t e e l
  11. murder of a people g e n o c i d e
  12. describes Native Americans i n d i g e n o u s
  13. describes an invention i n g e n i o u s
Answer this question by writing the letters from the shaded boxes in order on the line below:
What adjective describes the population of large American cities?