Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

Lesson 4 Key Word Activity Master

Root Equations
Write the word from the box that matches the sum of the word parts.
entity mortify pedagogue
euthanasia nascent postmortem
moribund orthopedics renaissance

1. "well" + "death" = euthanasia
2. "born" + "being" = nascent
3. "death" + "to make" = mortify
4. "child" + "leader" = pedagogue
5. "after" + "death" = postmortem
6. "death" + "having the quality of" = moribund
7. "straight" + "child" + "knowledge of" = orthopedics
8. "again" + "born" + "state of" = renaissance
9. "to be" + "state of" = entity

Write the missing word parts in the equations.

2. "born" + "tending toward" = naive
2. "to be" + "state of" = essence
2. "a male child" + "relating to" = puerile
2. "in" + "born" = innate
2. "child" + "one who instructs" + "having the quality of" = pedantic
2. "not" + "to be" + "state of" = nonentity

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